Batman V Superman 3D

Batman vs Superman 3D

1 Reviews

Man of Gotham takes on Man of Steel..

Categories: Action, SuperHero
Parental Rating: PG-13
Release Year: 2016

1 review for Batman vs Superman 3D

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Reviewed by 01 customer(s)

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  • Noizeemama

    Thought I would not like this one because I’m not a Batman fan. Dark movies with no color. You can’t see what is going on and I love color. Decided this would be a good choice with the projector since it would have a muted pallet. I was mostly right about this, but I actually enjoyed this movie.

    I love Holly Hunter so she was a pleasant surprise. Small role, but glad to see her anyway.

    I like their choice for Lex Luther. No, he’s not the one from the comic books, but I think he is better. He’s not a simple bad guy, he has layers for his psychosis. Jesse Eisenberg does great at this. If anyone knows of a movie that he was in where he plays a different type of a person, please let me know. I think I have always seen him as the geek that is a bit off.

    It does bother me that they make Batman and Superman so stupid. It’s like two bullies having pissing contests on the playground. Just give them some depth and brains and less in need of penis extensions. Other than that, I enjoyed the storyline. Thankfully the movie does not focus on this.

    I love that Wonder Woman was introduced in this even though her movie was the first movie I watched in the DC line. I stayed away from the others due to all of the dark lit scenes. But I had to get the one with the female heroine.

    The 3D is decent throughout the movie. It’s main downfall is all the black and gray. You can’t get much contrast with this which affects the 3D. There are a few scenes that looked great, but those were more CGI shots.

    Plenty of extras, my favorite was on Wonder Woman. I had no clue about the history of her comic series. Now I’m wondering if she became darker before or after Xena. Got a feeling it was after Xena.

    October 22, 2022


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