Guardians of the Galaxy 3D

Guardians of The Galaxy 3D

1 Reviews

An unlikely group becomes friends and heros..

Categories: Action, Sci Fi, SuperHero
Parental Rating: PG-13
Release Year: 2014

1 review for Guardians of The Galaxy 3D

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  • Noizeemama

    Thank you to all on the facebook page that have mentioned how great the 3D is on this movie. I had not watched it since it came out on bluray. Even though I have about 100 3D movies in my to be watched pile I just felt I needed this perfect mix of genres with the best soundtrack ever!

    I originally watched this on my 42″ Plasma, which you all know I love the picture quality of. This time I got to watch in on my projector with a 120″ screen. Even though the Plasma quality is still better, I can’t complain due to the feeing of immersiveness on the big screen. Pretty sure I saw things I didn’t see back in 2014. In all fairness, I had forgotten so much about the plot of this movie that it was almost like watching it for the first time again.

    Starting with the 3D, which is fricken excellent. You get depth, popouts, floating objects, and things falling out the bottom of the scene, which freaked me out. I love those! The space scenes are phenomenally done. Such incredible dept. There are a lot of dark scenes so the depth on those are nowhere near as great as the space scenes, but real money was spent on this conversion so it was much better depth than other movies’ dark scenes. You still get decent depth.

    Guardians is probably my absolute favorite in the Marvel Universe. I love humor mixed into movies and this one definitely delivers. The interpersonal relationships are done excellently and in such a short amount of time. Hell, I even love John C. Reilly’s character and want him included in every Guardians film. Starlord trying to be a big shot all the time and everyone putting him in his place just cracks me up. And he is so hurt by it, like a little kid being scolded. Pratt plays this so well. The characters are all so loveable. I had a pet raccoon as a child so of course Rocket is near and dear to me. Add in his sarcastic wit and he’s an instant favorite. Of course Groot is adorable even though he is voiced by Vin Diesel. Hey, we don’t have to see his ugly face and bad acting so this is the only way I can tolerate him! Then there is Gamora. Even being green she is hella sexy and totally kicks ass. Unfortunately this movie uses the shaky cam technique way too much, but I noticed they used it much less in her fighting scenes compared to others. Guess this means she actually learned how to do fight choreographies! GO GIRL!! Also love them being both good and bad. That mischievous element works well for my tastes. Did I mention that this has the best soundtrack ever!

    I do wonder how Pratt got this role. Due to loving him in these movies, I went back and watched. Parks & Recreation (which I found to be hilarious). I loved his goof ball character on there but he was quite heavyset. He started out overweight and got heavier and heavier until about the last season he started beefing up for this role. The change was quite incredible in such a short amount of time. I’m glad that Marvel gave him the chance to make this change because he is the perfect Peter Quill/Starlord.

    I have to admit, whenever they showed Reilly’s red skinned wife and child I freaked out thinking, “Whoa my color is off!” but then remembering that everyone else’s coloring is correct and they are supposed to be read,

    It really bugs me that Starlord calls them “Blue Swede” instead of “Blue Suede”. Why did they not make him say it correctly?!! Hooked on a Feeling is still one of my all time favorite songs. I remember my sister and I belting out this song while playing on the swing set. 🙂

    Make sure to stay tuned for the two extra scenes. One early during the credits. This one gives me an ear to ear feel good smile.. The second is at the very end. I take it the space dog Cosmo is a nod to Laika.

    A decent amount of extras including audio commentary on the 2D disc.

    Unless you hate Marvel, comedy, fighting, good plots, great acting, friendships, space movies, and excellent music, there is no way you won’t like this movie. To be honest, you’re someone I wouldn’t want to hang out with. lol

    A definite must own.

    September 10, 2022


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